Ben Irawan
FOUNDER & CEOBen is a speaker, entrepreneur and consultant with experience in business, advertising, marketing and publishing. After years of research into the education system, he believes there is a more effective way to do schooling. That was how KCCS was birthed in 2015.

Pavina Lee
PRINCIPALPavina has many years of business leadership experience in the IT sector. She was part of the founding committee and was one of two founding teachers. Now, she is leading the fast growing school community as Principal.

Delia Suteja Yeboah
BOARD CHAIRDelia has spent 15+ years in the creative space. Equally enriching has been her experience of starting a business at the age of 20. In just over a decade, Delia’s entrepreneurial zeal and creative direction have helped launch over 200 brands across start-ups and established companies.

Eric Lee
BOARD DIRECTOREric has been driven by his intellectual curiosity to find scalable & transformation solutions to the most demanding problems. Whether it's finding the best talent for a team or creating a global scalable solution, He has been able to quickly and effectively discover operational blockers and identify strategic solutions.

John Frisken
BOARD DIRECTORJohn as a founding Director of New Hope International reaching out to over 2,000,000 teachers in 60,000 schools around the world, supporting them in curriculum training and the latest methods in use of technology in Education.