KCCS is planning to open a new campus in Parramatta in 2026/2027
The potential KCCS Parramatta Campus will cater for students from Kindergarten to Year 2 in its first year and will progresively grow year by year for all year levels. Depending on the level of interest in other primary year levels, we may be open to start with a K-6 campus.
The new campus is conveniently located between two train stations, Parramatta Station and Harris Park Station. Both are only a short 5 minute walk away.
Families who wish to express an interest in enrolling their children at our new Parramatta Campus, can complete the expression of interest below.
Please note that this is not a formal enrolment process but an expression of interest in our potential Parramatta Campus. We will keep you informed of any updates as we make progress in our feasibility study and approval processes.